LiteScope integration into SEM

LiteScope is designed for fast & easy integration to SEMs from different manufacturers in the "Plug & Play" mode. We provide appropriate adapters and feed-throughs that can be customized to client requirements.
The installation is very simple and can be done easily by any SEM user. First, LiteScope is attached by four screws to the adaptation plate, mounted on the SEM sample stage. The electrical cables are plugged into prepared vacuum feedthrough. In total, the whole process of mounting and potential dismounting of the device takes just a few minutes.
LiteScope is connected via its control unit to the same PC that is used to control the SEM. This compact setup enables to perform the correlative AFM-in-SEM measurements at one place, using the NenoView software.
See also
Not sure about compatibility with your SEM?

In-Situ SEM Masterclass at QUT University!

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Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 2025 (APMC 2025)